onion boy's comment on RAMSSOL. All Comments

onion boy
8 Like · Reply
R1 0.520, R2 0.540
We Nego
Like · 4 months · translate
Jade Ti
S1 465, S2 455 ?
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onion boy
R1 0.520 so strong, hard to breakout
Like · 4 months · translate
onion boy
Today will close at 0.495 to fill the gap, then tomorrow may be rebound
Like · 4 months · translate
onion boy
Nice rebound MA20
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Jade Ti
Break tomorrow!
Like · 4 months · translate
onion boy
R2 done breakout, next R3 is 0.6
Like · 3 months · translate
intan nurfatin
Im holding until 0.6 from r1
Like · 3 months · translate
onion boy
If breakout. 0.60, it's more easier to fly to next R4 0.715
1 Like · 3 months · translate
ah ma the funny play boy
R4 should be 0.65/068
Like · 3 months · translate