What Elze's comment on SMETRIC. All Comments

What Elze
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Spillover effect from Microsoft investment into Malaysia. Securemetric is in the right position to capture the boom
lol. haha. nothing to do with Microsoft. suka2 hati saja.
Like · 4 months · translate
Jon Cheng
Woah. The huge volume killing it. Flashing all greens on my screen. Worthy looking into it but I've got a feel that this one might be "The tyre pancit situation" once it crossed levels like 0.25.
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Nick Chung
smetric has nothing to do with Microsoft, have more detailed study about this company
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Jon Cheng
I think increase market penetration with implemented cost control measures will help them bag more projects since they're known regionally? It's just a landmark of time
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Nick Chung
price already tripled from bottom 0.07 , chasing high like this you will lose money, skip and find other stocks
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What Elze
Hahaha. Sell smetric now at 0.20 is like selling genetec at 0.50
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Jon Cheng
@nick I don't think momentum has yet to recede. The increase buying on Friday says it all
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Jon Cheng
@What I don't know about the projections but from what I have seen I just don't think it's done yet not when the volume and price moved together
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What Elze
Agreed Jon. This kind of chart can burst up one.
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Nick Chung
I'm not sure who u guys are but I'm here since 2022 lol my price is super low
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Jon Cheng
@What Expected that more buying will continue at this level. Too cheap for a premature momentum lol
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Jon Cheng
@Nick usually what happens to a momentum stock is that it will move higher instead of allowing participation. You can unload higher though this is not the peak yet
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Nick Chung
if u're looking to trade momentum stock , 0.225 is the resistance have to break in order to go higher otherwise the risk reward is actually higher if you enter now
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Jon Cheng
Based on what I've seen I believe traders have entered somewhere between 0.205 to 0.21 last Friday. I do think anywhere near this price range is an actual bargain lol
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Nick "I'm not sure who u guys are but I'm here since 2022 lol my price is super low". What made yo u buy into this at that time? And earn double, what make you still hold?
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i think beark .225 not difficult based on last week closing. Once break .255 ATH, then will fly or not on momentum/ Q report coming, good result announcement will come in handy.
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Nick Chung
kchun when hardware technology hits the trend , software surely will be brought up as well, so as the more advanced technology is the more cybersecurity structure needed . base on the current price , smetric may hv involve in e-invoice Digital Cert services, time will tell . some people like to ride the trend, some invest and wait.. waiting is a lonely journey
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nick, thanks for sharing. good thinking
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Jon Cheng
Yep time will tell. For now, any flush will only make the turnover for buying greater. I'm still hoping to buy a little before the train departs way too high based on last Friday's momentum
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Jon Cheng
There we go. Knew the momentum wouldn't fail us. At this point, boy we are in for a good long bull run!
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Nick Chung
not many know about smetric, even big drop 0.16 that day noone know about this stock
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Jon Cheng
Haha nick you are one lucky guy having bought it at a low price. I'm happy for you really and I think with this explosive momentum my guess is that those cautious momentum traders will only enter once round number like 0.30 breaks
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Jon Cheng
I know nothing about it too. Kept screening with special filters recently for momentum stocks haha
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Nick Chung
many stocks up ya mot only smetric , so is better to sell before QR..
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Jon Cheng
Yep ? QR if bad usually will go down the drain thanks for the heads up!
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Titi the cute baby
Lure you in first and when you think QR is good, suddenly give you a bad QR then the price go south again? Ended up stay at penthouse and wait for for another 5 years!
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Jon Cheng
Possible because I've seen it before trading some of the index stocks. I don't think any momentum traders that are serious will enter unless it breach 0.30
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Jon Cheng
My reason is simple: Because I'm using filters that screens it early and if I were to default to old school momentum filters.... yeah it might have been too late and presumably alerted me at 0.30
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Jon Cheng
So for you, nick and the rest. We riding the bull baby!
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Nick Chung
let it rest ...
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Jon Cheng
Rest as it shall!
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What Elze
nick you sound like you sold? I doubt you can buy back lower. This kind of chart looks promising to me that it is only one way up. Gonna rocket soon. My 2 cents, its better to hold long than to trade
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Jon Cheng
@What Now that you mentioned it.. I do notice a shift in stance. Perhaps he has seen a lot in the market so the experience varies between people
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Jon Cheng
@What To add on top of what you've just said, I do agree that this type of charting isn't the best to avoid nor to ignore for us momentum traders. It's a dead giftaway of free profits on the way up lol
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Nick Chung
momentum trading is not suitable in KLCI but US stocks, so for whatever u learned from YouTube or gurus the chance of losing money on momentum trading is high
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Jon Cheng
Not necessarily true. I learn from an expert who traded the Nikkei/SGX/KLCI for decades. So I guess you should have say we all have differing views and techniques. Not one size fits all, nick
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Not yet sold, still got momentum? Was banking it to break ATH..
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Jon Cheng
@Kchun Of course. The only way momentum stalled is if breaks 0.20. Anything that goes under and ranges in this current price range between last Friday breakout is just a shambolic attempt to F with traders and investors psyche
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Jon Cheng
If you are new to momentum, stay. You have something to learn especially when it comes to the beautiful breakout that has happened since last Friday
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Ok Jon. Hopefully and see next week. Cuscapi be alike.
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Jon Cheng
Yeah. Hopefully it will do well. Good for everyone!
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Nick Chung
sideways till qr .
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Eh was waiting this week show time, so fast sideway...i think quarter will be good. Dunno if priced in or sell on news...
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Nick Chung
next week should have some .
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Melvin 8888
Nick chung , I not understand
can you explain more ?
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Nick Chung
below 0.2 collect
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What Elze
Yeah i hope it goes below 0.20 lol
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linda D'din
after below 0.20, still not buy.. then talk again below bla bla collect... msian trader.. sembang..
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Nick Chung
x pernah nampak u sini.. trader baru ke? xD . sudah naik byk baru muncul.. aduiii
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Berusaha Berjaya
tgt 28c , 41c
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