Ah Choon Wong's comment on CTOS-C7. All Comments

Ah Choon Wong
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Derivatives are very versatile insrtuments. They can be used for hedging ,speculation, and arbitrage…..one of the risks face by a person that trades derivatives is that his mandate to hedge or to look for arbitrage opportunities may become a ‘speculator’…….
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Kevin Yap
Good morning ACW...nice infor! kam xia
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Kevin Yap
so quiet ACW......kena bsing baru jalan ooiiiii
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mungkin nak naik balik ,股神acw boleh beli tak
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Kevin Yap
Superman, i saw someone sapu AEOn baby worrrrrrrrr, was it you
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Kevin u ada apa beli lagi
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Kevin Yap
wa sudah sapu myeg lo
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Kevin Yap
now tunggu re-sapu aeon voucher
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Kevin Yap
Superman, genting baby ada tgk ka
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Kevin Yap
Superman, ACW oso pigi karaOK ka.....
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Kevin Yap
superman...kasi sailang itu 13k shares tuh.... pleaseeee
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ctos I takut beli sikit sahaja
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Kevin Yap
ok ok, lu ada tgk genting ka , Superman
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Lee Biu Ghze
Superman u bought a lot, then you sold back at the same price, a lot of lots. Then u buy back Kah?
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Ah Choon Wong
Premium 下到 16% 了,好事儿 !
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Kevin Yap
ACW... what is ur taget premium %
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Ah Choon Wong
Below 9% will be very nice ……
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Kevin Yap
9% would be est 0.075? wow....hoseh lo, tailo
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ampire JJ
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Kevin Yap
ACW, 3 big fund continue wallop ler.....dun play play
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Kevin Yap
ACW.....can c7 hit back 0.180? nanti baru jual pao, enlighten me first....kikiki
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Ah Choon Wong
Kevin…very much depends on mother share lah ! Will it go back to above 1.50. ?
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Kevin Yap
i think if clear 1.38 / 1.40, it may be possible. With the 3 funds keep on buying, what is your view, ACW?
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Kevin Yap
超人类 pagi....mana uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
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Ah Choon Wong
Kevin good morning, superman hilang lama pulak …….pergi makan angin ka ?
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Kevin Yap
ACW...itu yang wa hairan lor
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Kevin Yap
Good morning ACW.... i think i can smell it.....dunknow which one come first today
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Ah Choon Wong
Kevin good morning, just hold , maybe after Raya …….
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Kevin Yap
bro ACW...RHB still in play?
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Ah Choon Wong
Kevin ….negative premium , in the money , no worries, once announce dividend , lari kuat kuat lah !
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Kevin Yap
ACW, thanks ...negative premium in % , right? ini mcm i peluk to sleep. I like ur confidence , ACW... unique experiences, knowedges and strengths bring to solid confidence...
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ampire JJ
谢谢ACW大哥,收米了 :)
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Ah Choon Wong
Sze chia lok…恭喜了,不要贪,有赚就好.

可以留意 sime-78 , 不要追,低才買 !
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ampire JJ
sime c78昨天买不到,现在055这个价位还不适合对吗?
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Ah Choon Wong
排 0.05 也可………………..
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ampire JJ
好的,谢谢ACW大神的分享,一直关注你分享的,你说的Ytlbaby今天也全部青色了,真的好厉害,感恩有机会看见你的分享 ^ v ^
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Ah Choon Wong
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Kevin Yap
ACW, this is one i respect. Humility is the solid foundation of all virtues.... lu mmg humble, caya mat!
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Lee Biu Ghze
Humility is great value to move forward! But some people claimed they are better than Warren Buffet! This one I cannot tahan! You know who you are! LOL!
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Ah Choon Wong
Always remember: It’s more important to make money than it is to be right and ‘ I am selling too soon ‘ Bernard Baruch’s quote!
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Kevin Yap
when we get older / mature, we will understand that no right is right and no wrong is wrong. ... and you will be much happier!
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Kevin Yap
ACW, i see a lot of ppl scoping MY ... am i right or just my illusion?
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Ah Choon Wong
Yes , yes ….the valuation is low as compared with other tech. stocks ……time to buy in !
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Ah Choon Wong
坦白讲,如果只是玩母股,很难赚这么高的巴仙。我的策略是 ,買低价的 call warrants 开始,当时 ytlpower c26 (0.095),YTL-C58 也是角多而于,起了三四百巴仙,賣了.
又轉去買更便宜的 ytlpower-C33,C-38, YTL-C63,C—66, 到最近的Ytlpower-C41,C-42 及 YTL-C68, C-73…..
所以,才有 52% 的回報率,寫得夠清楚了吗 ?
还有,call warrants 的风险很高,该賣時賣,再起让别人赚…….
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Ah Choon Wong
是你看不开,每天追着我,发表你认为对的观点吧 !
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Ah Choon Wong
都说了,我不厉害,厉害的基金公司,只有基金公司才能把股价買起 。
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Ah Choon Wong
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Lee Biu Ghze
Lion King, you are one of the smartest, whether if is a self-proclaimed or a real one, you know yourself! You don’t have to be tell the rest of the world you are the smartest, you are trying too hard! That is what I see!
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Kevin Yap
Relax guys...
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哈哈哈股神acw 感谢你的kfc
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Lee Biu Ghze
Lion King, let me settle this once and for all. You are one of the smartest if not the smartest! Whether it is 20%, 30% or 60% you know yourself! WF’s widely regarded as best of the best is about consistency, years in years out! It is a total portfolio growth percentage that matters! Say whatever you want to say, like Simon Chong, reply to him is absolutely a waste of time! I only here for positive aura, and positive gain in Bursa!
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1 Like · 6 months · translate
Ah Choon Wong
超人,赚钱重要 …….. 哈哈哈 !
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Kevin Yap
ACW, that is the reason we are here
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Kevin Yap
That’s the way ah ha ah ha....pinjam ACW....hehehehehehehe....lalalalalallal
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Kevin Yap
ini baru 100% .....thanks ACW, takut apa bossku
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Ah Choon Wong
Congratulations to all !
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Kevin Yap
yeah....nanti 0.040 baru start collect balik ya, can arr 老大
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Mayanne Chan
Thanks, ACW! I got only 50% profit but better than losing, hahaha! *v*
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Ah Choon Wong
Mayanne Chan , 那两个爱第一的,看到心酸酸了 !
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Kevin Yap
千个伤心的理由-Jacky Cheung
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Mayanne Chan
Kevin, boleh collect back, ker? Please inform me, ok! Hahahaha!
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Kevin Yap
i talak pannai ooi...kena tanya my boss ACW
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Mayanne Chan
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