Danial Heikal's comment on CHB. All Comments

Danial Heikal
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Director disposed. Sell!
Malaysia Best
The boss hv to say 'THANKS' to Argentina Chanpion who help him to promote till overvalued. Boss laugh all the way to the BANK.
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Warren Time
take a good look at the previous notice, this minority shareholder has already sold the pink form on the day of listing, and none of them are major shareholders, and the major shareholders have a one-year restriction on not selling.
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Malaysia Best
CHB Boss : Special thanks to Mr. Champion who help us push up the stock. You may come my office at Penang and I ll gv you big Angpao RM 2.50. lol
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Warren Time
OK,thanks boss x3
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Qwen Wen
AC, 请问你有什么股在手上?
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Qwen Wen
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Warren Time
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Warren Time
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Tok Tiong
AC的 ECA已经离场了?
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Warren Time
tiong下午好,eca早卖出了,财报公布不好,营业收入腰斩,最新order book低,无法再守住了。
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Tok Tiong
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Warren Time
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Qwen Wen
AC, 不知道为什么买什么亏什么?完全没有办法
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Warren Time
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