Uncle Liu's comment on EKOVEST. All Comments

Uncle Liu
22 Like · Reply
Ivan Cheng
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Chaery Martinelli
angpow mari
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Hew Yoon Shin
0.6 都难了,还0.7 哦?
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David Lee
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Calvin Chua
0.58 先卖拿点小红包。谢谢ekovest
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Hew Yoon Shin
很难上0.6 啊。。。。。
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Uncle Liu
各位股友早, 就看这两天走势如何了。
1 Like · 5 months · translate
Uncle Liu 请问你怎样看MRCB,ekovest每次都很难上到0.60
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ky Ooi
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uncle liu. 打算什么价位回来?
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Uncle Liu
1 Like · 4 months · translate
Boo man
wait lo. we got sultan johor as agong. alot of projects will be in JoHor. wait those announcement out, sure benefit ekovest.
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Gary Ooi
EKOVEST is good company, only Uncle Lim is s**k
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Chaery Martinelli
there are so many projects aside from HSR
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@uncle liu +1
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@Uncle Liu game on...
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Uncle Liu
1 Like · 3 months · translate
Chaery Martinelli
cirit birit oredi
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Mimic Mimic
Below 0.50 again... Trap people only this counter
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Uncle Liu
1 Like · 3 months · translate
Mimic Mimic
Turning red soon... UEMS n IWCity red now
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Chaery Martinelli
put in freezer open only when it touched RM1
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Sun Hwa
uncle liu 一来就有戏了
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Boo man
coming. see if can break 52 cents.
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Melvin 8888
last few trade days touch 0.515 already push down , if can break 0.52 then will go further I think maybe 0.55 .... hmmm
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Meaw Meaw Cat
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Melvin 8888
Meaw , hope 0.48 have support lolz
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Uncle Liu
看看今天会不会到0.475/0.47. 分批少量排低买进。
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Sun Hwa
uncle liu通知了,排队买0.475-0.47
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Uncle Liu
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Sun Hwa
uncle liu明白……….?
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Meaw Meaw Cat
really reluctant to move .... others all bounce
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Maggie Saw
all in 0.47.i will follow uncle liu god.
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Melvin 8888
Maggie all in , I also all in la , hope bring luck....
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Maggie Saw
aiya 0.475 finished.i queuing 0.47.drop please
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Maggie Saw
0.47 come to papa
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Mimic Mimic
Move like a turtle
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Quincy Lim
Hi all, I just clocked in 0.475..... hope it moves Higher
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Uncle Liu
Good morning, successful buy in some 0.470 & 0.475. Now just wait.
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Maggie Saw
morning uncle liu,why you so lucky even can get 0.47.i am still waiting for 0.47.hope today can get it.if not i going to buy higher maybe 0.475. see how later.0.47 come to mama please.
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Maggie Saw
Should be can get 0.47 by today.So many people sell off before celebrate Raya.Selamat Hari Raya everyone.
2 Like · 2 months · translate
Uncle Liu
这次先cut lose. 卖出0.445. 再进过等局势动荡稳下了。
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Maggie Saw
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Maggie Saw
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Maggie Saw
0.46了。可以买吗?uncle liu在哪里呢?还会跌吗?怕怕呢
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Uncle Liu
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Chaery Martinelli
reverse gear again
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Maggie Saw
1 Like · 2 months · translate
Maggie Saw
刚刚跟我的朋友喝茶完,他们说那个什么yap的昨天晚上又开live宣传,上次也是开live宣传eko 就像流水这样。真的可怕啊这些商家。还推课程。真的不知羞耻。她告诉我以前手套也是给他害惨的,真的这些什么老师其实就是把人家割到没有的剩。这些还敢说自己是老师。可怕
3 Like · 2 months · translate
how to join?
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Vincent Wong
Huge volume but price stagnant. Ermmmmm. All the best.....
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Maggie Saw
刚刚放工就看到 0.47 了。要买都怕。uncle liu在吗。你买进了吗。等下买了又怕跌。上次还亏一点而已。不是听到我的朋友说那个老师的事我早就买进了。uncle liu你有进吗
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Stewart Law
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Hew Yoon Shin
业绩应该没啥看头,since 他的finance cost 那么高
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Stewart Law
不看基本盘的话,价位要站稳RM0.47 C才有机会往上爬.......I.o.l
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Maggie Saw
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Hew Yoon Shin
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Uncle Liu
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K Lam
uncle liu since you knew price up b4 Qr then why dont buy now sell before QR lo hahaha....so contradict your msg
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Maggie Saw
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Maggie Saw
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Maggie Saw
uncle liu好才听你的没有买。不然又要亏钱了。这个死股。够力。害人啊。uncle liu如果买进了,记得通知一下。
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Maggie Saw
uncle liu这边大概几时出业绩?我看差不多了咯。准备一下。uncle liu你静音很久了
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Hew Yoon Shin
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Maggie Saw
大大们,几时出业绩呢。哇。又回到原点。好才这次没有进森林了。uncle 救了我。这只股真的很难投资。一直跌的。应该是太多老师推荐吧。很多学生被他们害惨了
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Hew Yoon Shin
maggie, qr 今晚或者明晚,但是应该会是红的,因为finance cost 很高很高
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hua sun
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Maggie Saw
1 Like · 1 month · translate
Maggie Saw
真的是大红花。好才听uncle liu说没买进。uncle liu怎样看?进场买在低价还是观望先。下个星期一看戏先。可怕啊。谁买进不会卖的真的够力了。
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Uncle Liu
Maggie, 我暂时不看这股了。留意其他股。
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Maggie Saw
好的 uncle liu.我现在也在观望中。看不好。怕了。进场了记得在这边通知。谢谢
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Maggie Saw
哇哇哇。uncle liu好才没买进啊。哈哈哈。真的那些什么老师全部都不是人。真的整群人都是诈骗集团。可怜这边听他们的投资者。够力。那些钱拿去旅行都没有这么生气。他们真的不怕有报应的咯。
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Maggie Saw
uncle liu起了。好像有戏哦。哈哈可以买进吗。买一点点看怎样
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lee menglong
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Boo man
coming liao. wear seatbelt
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Maggie Saw
0.47....can buy now.uncle liu..i am still waiting for you.
boo man coming liao?got insider news?can buy in now?i am worry to buy higher and sell lower.i am just getting loss few weeks ago only.erm i buy in later. stay aside and observe 1st . i am waiting for uncle liu.
Show more
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Boo man
45 or 46 level can buy and hold la. johor theme and sultan as agong. no need scared
project sure go there. and they got Duke Highway. SPE just open. nothing to scared. even drop just hold. confirm good.
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Hew Yoon Shin
I don't think it's can break above 0.5, maybe will going down soon
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Maggie Saw
i will think to buy if close above 0.47.last time buy at 0.47 sell 0.45.what a sad case
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Uncle Liu
I will continues to monitoring....
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Meaw Meaw Cat
this counter is too heavy to move....
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Maggie Saw
yes sir uncle liu.not good looking
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Yeoh Siong Khin
drop one cent - luckily no buy
up one cent - macam got movement
next week limit up - aiyo no buy
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Mimic Mimic
See red again today... Hopeless
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Yeoh Siong Khin
Maggie how fly liao XD XD XD aiyo aiyo aiyo aiyo
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Maggie Saw
uncle liu flied already?how?i am just free from work only.aiyo.no time to see at all.how?wanna go in or observe.wapiang eh
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Maggie Saw
0.485 lo 2mr see whether maybe will drop .always 1day show. uncle liu where are u?so many property stocks up today
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Maggie Saw
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chang yoong
right time to buy!!!
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Meaw Meaw Cat
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From Pluto
can buy now ?
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Uncle Liu
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hua sun
uncle liu 你对
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Maggie Saw
uncle liu等你买进给我知道。这边的投资者全部脸青青。有些听人买的,有些听老师买的,有些听黑青的人买的,现在也不懂全部去那里了。有时我看到他们的评语都好笑。应该会创新低了。等着跟你一起买在低价
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Meaw Meaw Cat
今天最低收市0.445....不再跌半分,进步了跌1分. 抄!
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Hew Yoon Shin
0.36 mari mari hom..
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Mimic Mimic
这股到底值不值投资,好像大市起它不动,大市跌它跟着跌。JB 有关系的股都飞天了。
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Stewart Law
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Maggie Saw
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Scots Men
以为有免费的咖啡喝 ...
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