Ah Choon Wong's comment on YTLPOWR. All Comments

Ah Choon Wong
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YTL Power International Bhd (YTL Power) will benefit from the higher retail tariff mix in Singapore and higher uniform Singapore energy prices in the coming quarters as well as the turnaround of its Wessex Water asset (following 9% hike in average tariff) and new Attarat oil shale power plant contribution in Jordan, said the research house.

This could potentially ensure higher dividend payout for YTL Power (given the stronger profits and cash flow) to 15 sen a share (yielding 11.9%) in financial year 2024 to 2025 versus the house’s conservative assumption of only eight sen a share.

It maintained its “overweight’’ rating for the sector with top picks being TNB (target price (TP) of RM12 a share) and YTL Power (TP: RM2.05 a share).
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Ah Choon Wong
Shirley Ng…. 强势有分两种,一种是TA 的強势,但是基本面差,很多人跌一点就走了。另一种是TA 强,基本面及预测盈利强,ytlpower 是后一种…….賣了可以重回買进。
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Ah Choon Wong
Shirley Ng….SDS 基本面 Ok, 面粉跌价对它有利,世界糖价还是高,不过大马有补贴糖…..影响不大,消费品要吃的,逢低买入 !
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Harry ENG
春哥,面粉跌价对 mflour 有影响吗
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Ah Choon Wong
Harry Eng…..早安 !

也本是有利,但我们有 price control……相低消 !不过这股价还算在低位 ,可以考虑 !
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Chee wai CHEONG
choon 早安!上个月有已经持Ytlp,另外科技Sfptech可以考虑一下吗?盈利每季增长的说....
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Ah Choon Wong

Ytlp 可以守到业绩出,Sfptech 是好,但三个area 生意己经 跌了,只有machine asssembly 有增长,怕是oneoff contract, 估值也不便宜了。
还是等一等 比较好!
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Ah Choon Wong
耒…..再 show power 創新高 …………!
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Gerbilg Rat
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Ah Choon Wong
創新高, 过 1.50 ….. 哈哈哈 !
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Gerbilg Rat
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Ah Choon Wong
Gerbilg Rat…爽透了 …. 小刀锯大树…. 哈哈哈!
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Gerbilg Rat
你是什么小刀, ACW? 哈哈
你来回好像赚了几轮了… 恭喜!
如果1.6, 我还会考虑再出一些票…
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Ah Choon Wong
Gerbilg Rat….. 小刀 ytlpower-c26 , 0.095 !
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Gerbilg Rat
Warrant 没碰,现在更不敢碰!
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Nick Chung
奇怪。。。 没人酸 acw 了吗
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Ah Choon Wong
这个大件事了,天天創新高 …. 哈哈哈 !
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Ah Choon Wong
我買在1.26,Albert Len 说:中套了还沾沾自喜acw!哈哈

顧好自己的 Mag,Trc 和 Sunzen 吧,希望那两个庄不要像 Mag 的庄是窮庄,不是我说的,Mag 那边有人这样说。哈哈哈!
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acw,mag sunzen。。。。sunzen一直sideway哦。但是老板一直买票
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Jex Tan
Shirley and acw 你们是一伙的?
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Jex Tan
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Albert Len
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Albert Len
Sunzen vs censof
Trc vs E@O
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Albert Len
阿春,你看得懂sunzen 庄的做法吗?
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shirley 和 acw 一唱一和 怎么办小野猫 快点管好你的老公
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albert 股神awc那么会看就不会在这里和人家吹水了 还一唱一和 jex tan说的
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Albert Len
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albert 他的信徒们其中一个就是shirley 哈哈
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Albert Len
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Shirley 是真人来的 只是被awc迷惑了
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股神awc早上和shirley morning就不见了
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Albert Len
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股神的mstgolf亏钱了 所以去打golf出气
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Albert Len
为了拉升mst,股神扫断几枝golf 棍棒
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他应该被气到把golf棒吞下去了 哈哈
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Albert Len
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对咯很小气的 说他一点就举报,block和不理人
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今天股神awc 和shirley 不见了
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Albert Len
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超人被你发现了 是不是你捉走了他们
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没人了 股神awc不见了 我也不见了
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Albert Len
边消息,股神被mst golf棍打伤了头部!等下会岀来和大家見面!稍安勿躁
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Ah Choon Wong
超人….. 放心啦,刚 check-In Grand Riverview Hotel….. Kota Baru …..游又吃,没空理你啦 !
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Ah Choon Wong
超人….. 耒耒耒….. 去吃泰国餐 !
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Ah Choon Wong
超人….. 介绍给你:Chengmai Thai Food Restaurant……Kota Baru ……
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股神awc你发梦去了那里吃饭是吗? ↖(^ω^)↗
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Gerbilg Rat
ACW, 你去AEON打卡?
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Ah Choon Wong
超人….. 早安…… 来 Kopitiam Kita …吃 roti Titab 和 Nasi Kelabu …Kota Bahru …..
1 Like · 10 months · translate
股神股神awc 跟谁去吃??跟家人去玩啊(⊙o⊙),为什么没有带我,散户,qwenty and shirley 一起去
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股神awc怎么没约我们 大家可以一起吹吹水嘛
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Gerbilg Rat
Nasi Kelabu 好吃!
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Ah Choon Wong
Gerbilg Rat…..Nasi Kelabu 好吃,还有 Kelantan Raja Kunyit ( 正宗 Musang King ) 更好吃 !
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Gerbilg Rat
Kunyit 是 musang king 的祖先,1kg多少钱?
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Albert Len
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Ah Choon Wong
Gerbilg Rat…..Raja Kunyit 才 35.00 per Kg…
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Ah Choon Wong
友谊村吃红虾才12 元1Kg 马币……. 美味又便宜 !
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lau andy kok chong
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Ah Choon Wong
刘德华…… 股市賺錢要会花啊 !
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lau andy kok chong
去住river inn 很不錯,对面那间也ok...小春
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lau andy kok chong
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Ah Choon Wong
赞啊 …………. 好命鬼 ,是富二代了 !
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Ah Choon Wong
Shirley Ng.

‘红虾’ 是梹城名种榴莲的稱号……在泰国的‘勿洞‘Betong友宜村附近吃才12 元一公斤,而在梹城吃要40-50 元一公斤。
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Ah Choon Wong
Shirley Ng….. 早安

的确是说榴蓮,红虾榴莲肉幼细,香浓,真的不会输给猫山王。Ytlpower-C26, C-28 ,YTL-C63 都像红虾和猫山王,好肉又好賺。比喻而于….. 哈哈哈 !
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Ah Choon Wong
很有力……2.00 要耒了吗 ?
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Kong Voon
已经在 NTA 1.84 !!
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Paul Poh
会上到2.00 吗?期待
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启颢 陈
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Malek Said
With announcement last week and potential dividend... 2.00 is possible
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Tok Tiong
target price rm2
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Ah Choon Wong
真的恭喜大家了,破十年新高….. 哈哈哈 !
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Gerbilg Rat
1.88, 接下来就是2.18!
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k c Chua
Today tidur.
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启颢 陈
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Malek Said
Waiting for announcement. Should fly to the moon
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Ah Choon Wong
E&O had a foreign exchange gain on pound of 25.7 M…..How much YTLPOWER will has it’s foreign exchange gain on the water business in Pound ……?
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k c Chua
Tidur again.
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Ah Choon Wong
The power of change ………ini kali lah !
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Ah Choon Wong
The power of charging ahead ……Hahahaha !
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启颢 陈
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Tok Tiong
can reach rm2.50 by this week?
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Tok Tiong
look like rm2.50 just small target price for ytlpower.
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Lim Alan
Can it reach rm4?haha
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Premier Infinite Card
just buy in again at 2.00. hope for 2.50 this month end.
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Louise Huat
Profit taking in making careful
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Jason Lee
I bought at 0.76
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Gerbilg Rat
Jason, you did not sell at all?
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Would it continuously fly?
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Gerbilg Rat
NTA up, with future earnings estimated to be promising, share price might go up still for a while..
but for those who intend to chase high, you need to make sure you know when to cut lost if correction is taking place..
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Sky Liew
just hold ba if next q 13+ EPs again sueefly
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Gerbilg Rat
It is flying currently!
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