Strategist Invest Lam's comment on ASTRO. All Comments

Strategist Invest Lam
3 Like · Reply
rebranding up in progress growth steadily
Rocky rocket
Looks like fail.. Need to retest
1 Like · 1 year · translate
Strategist Invest Lam
Support line havent firm yet need time
1 Like · 1 year · translate
Strategist Invest Lam
开始重启取缔盗版 盈利展望再次水平提升
1 Like · 10 months · translate
Strategist Invest Lam
股价从质疑声中 一步一步往上爬
Like · 10 months · translate
Brandon Wen
明天可能会掉 卖压重
1 Like · 10 months · translate
Tan Yifie
股价从质疑声中 一步一步往上爬??
1-2 sen 也算?
1 Like · 10 months · translate
Brandon Wen
1 Like · 10 months · translate
Brandon Wen
1 Like · 10 months · translate
Kopi Bryant
this AStro, really useless stock...
1 Like · 10 months · translate
0.40 来了 哈哈哈哈哈哈
2 Like · 10 months · translate
Brandon Wen
drop below 0.485 runrunrun
3 Like · 10 months · translate
Strategist Invest Lam
始终还是不肯跌破50sen start shopping collecting stock gogogo
2 Like · 10 months · translate
Strategist Invest Lam
终于捡到超便宜的股价 还大反弹 爽呀
3 Like · 9 months · translate
Strategist Invest Lam
Drop more leh this time can’t even collect below 0.4 sen leh not shoik leh
1 Like · 7 months · translate
Strategist Invest Lam
爽啊 0.4sen 终于破了 可以捡便宜货了 终于看到我一开始的预计股价跌入最有吸引力的三字头了
1 Like · 7 months · translate
Wait 0.36 hahahahahaha
2 Like · 7 months · translate
Strategist Invest Lam
看来散户退场变多 很快就到你心目中的0.36了
1 Like · 7 months · translate
Alan Li
Growth is faltering. No more earnings power
2 Like · 7 months · translate
Shong Jing Chew
2 Like · 7 months · translate
明天开大然后小小小 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈
2 Like · 7 months · translate
Tan Yifie
Lam 現在應該爽到飛天了
5 Like · 6 months · translate
Captain MY
Lam 坚信FA,别泼他冷水
2 Like · 6 months · translate
Strategist Invest Lam
股价开始动 准备回40sen 站稳再冲
1 Like · 1 month · translate
Strategist Invest Lam
company pn17 soon even no money to pay electric bill already fast fast cut loses run for your life hehehe
1 Like · 2 weeks · translate
Strategist Invest Lam
Q1 result nett earned 17million …..good start well done
Like · 1 week · translate
gobin raj
Great news for astro
1 Like · 1 week · translate