Jane Lam's comment on MBSB. All Comments

Jane Lam
46 Like · Reply
Jane Lam
2 Like · 1 year · translate
Jane Lam
2 Like · 1 year · translate
Jane Lam
1 Like · 12 months · translate
Pradeep Kumar Sanghani
Jane you are right
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King Ianflamming56ou
70 stay way to 97......lol
1 Like · 12 months · translate
Jane Lam
3 Like · 12 months · translate
King Ianflamming56ou
nothin ......ham.....for ....rest.....lol
1 Like · 12 months · translate
Jane Lam
congratulations to those long term investments.handsome profit ahead.恭喜长期投资者
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King Ianflamming56ou
go go go....80s ....a go go ....lol
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Pradeep Kumar Sanghani
Jane got any good news
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Alibaba Chiam
Buy the cheapest bank share
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Amos ooi Chin Han
King, do you feel can up to 80s???
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Tie Tie
may possible go up 0.96
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King Ianflamming56ou
buy already ....Tie 2.....just buy it...lol
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Amos ooi Chin Han
I hold it very tight already. haha...
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Pradeep Kumar Sanghani
volume increase
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King Ianflamming56ou
price decrease....maybe need more grease .....or ghee.....lol
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Alibaba Chiam
must buy u regret miss the ship
1 Like · 11 months · translate
B Jack
good to see it gradually heading up
1 Like · 11 months · translate
King Ianflamming56ou
bapa black sheep .....sailing in the c...lol
1 Like · 11 months · translate
Jane Lam
ho Patrick 躲起来了。没机会给他看到limit down.投资股票不能靠吹的。提升自己认知才能在股市赚到钱。现在股价不低了。追高的最好做好风险管理
1 Like · 11 months · translate
Ah Choon Wong
Ho Patrick… 在隔壁FFB 大吹特吹了…. 好小子!
1 Like · 11 months · translate
Jane Lam
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Jane Lam
Show more
1 Like · 11 months · translate
Jane Lam
FFB 我只小量投了20k.目前是我投资组合亏最多之一的。和hiaptek 一样不加码。留做记念,提醒自己别再犯同样的错误
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Jane Lam 厉害 小心某人突然介绍你股票 是让你去做接票侠 哈哈
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Jane Lam
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jane lam 白天不好说人 你看一说曹操,曹操就到了 你看吓死人吗?切记小心
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Jane Lam
认同。我知道投资错了。只是我FFB只投少少,所以不理它。hiaptek 更少。
1 Like · 11 months · translate
farm fresh 哪里有做奶粉? 是做牛奶这类的好不好……不会就不好办有料啦……
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Jane Lam
没关系。我没理FFB.留着。亏完也是小数目。我专注在重大投资。LBS 我投很大。在考虑要减持点。
1 Like · 11 months · translate
Jane Lam
这是我个人投资意愿。我投资LBS 主要我了解这公司。减持不是我不看好产业。主要我投太大,有盈利想把部分本纳入口袋,万一回调到0.405或更低我有更足的资金买回LBS。不低于0.405我是不买的。这股很大部分是我前几年不断减持guh 所得盈利买入的。再者我想在0.47加码投资simepro。
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King Ianflamming56ou
????...lol...delay no more
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Jane Lam
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Jane Lam
2 Like · 11 months · translate
King Ianflamming56ou
all-in .....n delay no more....bank X3...lol
1 Like · 11 months · translate
think about the consequences before you act . epf hold 65% on hand .
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Jane Lam
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King Ianflamming56ou
725 lah ....pro....new update.. lol
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Amos ooi Chin Han
King, 735 already
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0.750 big resistance. hard to break . .
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King Ianflamming56ou
Amos...1 is the new price tag ....lol
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King Ianflamming56ou
Aug.....1....and only MBSB....lol
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King Ianflamming56ou
Amos ....all-in time ....lol
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Amos ooi Chin Han
Yes!!! King, you also lahh...
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King Ianflamming56ou
all-in alread ....now wait til 1 then all out....lol
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King Ianflamming56ou
wish I have more bullets omelette ...lol
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Jane Lam
best performance banking stock of the year.High dividend+High appreciation
dividend+price appreciate surf pass 35% this year
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King Ianflamming56ou
save the best for last .....lol
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Pradeep Kumar Sanghani
Jane keep it as your investment you will never get the previous price. I am waiting for the independent advice to us.
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King Ianflamming56ou
delay no more ...all-in Liao ...lol
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Kevin Chow
Better than FD......
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Jane Lam
I keep from 0.59 until now.never sell a single share by then because I confident it worth more then that
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Pradeep Kumar Sanghani
Jane better then EPF interest
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Jane Lam
as I mentioned few months ago, no matters how, all epf contributors indirectly own mbsb share because EPF is single largest share holders of mbsb
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King Ianflamming56ou
Jane will mad at you if you not all in yet ....lol
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Ivan Lau
King, I believe Jane sell her underwear all in aldy.
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King Ianflamming56ou
wonder - Jane tergadai body and soul to everyone who related in stock market since the Dutch West Indian create the Wall Street .....lol
1 Like · 11 months · translate
Jane Lam
Never all in stock market.i always maintain 30-40,,%cash.MBSB my second largest investment.Top investment still LBS. I never top up mbsb anymore because I accumulated enough at 0.59.MBSB around 13%of my total investment
3 Like · 11 months · translate
Kevin Chow
LBS still can buy?
1 Like · 11 months · translate
Jane Lam
Long term can.but myself reduces 10%LBS de
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Jane Lam
after take over MIDF ,EPF and PNB control 70%+ stagein mbsb
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Gengs James
Your selection all moving
2 Like · 11 months · translate
Jane Lam
congratulations to all.A prosper 2023 ahead
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King Ianflamming56ou
go go go .... 77 ....lol
1 Like · 11 months · translate
Jane Lam
1 Like · 11 months · translate
King Ianflamming56ou
all-in One ......delay no more.....Jane Lamberkin...ool
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B Jack
no, I will continue to hold for time being...... continue to enjoy the "day day up" momentum
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King Ianflamming56ou
Jack....stay humble....stay low....lol
1 Like · 11 months · translate
Jane, 我减持一部分了......
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现在卖出的是不明智的 是我等到两块发达咯
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King Ianflamming56ou
me stay at least overOne ...totally 110% on CDS ACC...lol
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keng ming roland choo
King 對 MBSB 有信心,是好事。
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King Ianflamming56ou
destiny n faith....journey of our life...lol
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King Ianflamming56ou
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Jane Lam
1 Like · 11 months · translate
King Ianflamming56ou
1 Like · 11 months · translate
Jane Lam
1 Like · 11 months · translate
King Ianflamming56ou
1 Like · 11 months · translate
Ricardo Siau
2 Like · 11 months · translate
King Ianflamming56ou
best of luck ... pro ... lol
1 Like · 11 months · translate
King Ianflamming56ou
booster announcement ....lol
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Orson Chin
27/7 egm … price will above 0.95
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Ivan Lau
1 Like · 11 months · translate
King Ianflamming56ou
1 Like · 11 months · translate
Ivan Lau
1 Like · 11 months · translate
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Steve Lomas
1 Like · 11 months · translate
1 Like · 11 months · translate
Jacky Chan
我早早就跑了 我在看有便宜在买
2 Like · 11 months · translate
Jane Lam
2 Like · 9 months · translate
Jane Lam
2 Like · 9 months · translate
Jane Lam
2 Like · 9 months · translate
Jane Lam
3 Like · 8 months · translate
Jane Lam
2 Like · 8 months · translate
keng ming roland choo
1 Like · 8 months · translate
Jane Lam
1 Like · 1 month · translate
Jane Lam
1 Like · 1 month · translate
Jane Lam
投资2年后, 今天第一次减持20%mbsb. 准备调动资金投资中港股。看好中港股未来几年的趋势
2 Like · 1 month · translate
Jane Lam
1 Like · 1 month · translate