MarcusROE's comment on ARBB. All Comments

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NASDAQ is World’s No.1 Financial Hub for Technology stocks.

NASDAQ listing requires parent ARBB to offer 9% to 25% of ARBB IOT (AIGL) to general investing (USA) public.

Indicative price is RM17.78 per share (At time of writing, ARBB is at RM0.13 per share)

NASDAQ listed companies including Microsoft, NVIDIA, META, CERENCE, ROKU are the largest in the world with combined market cap of over US$19 Trillion

While costly to list AIGL in NASDAQ , certainly the benefits of gaining international recognition for its technology will be tailwind for the stocks.

Disclosure: I am long on ARBB and ARBB PA. And may increase shareholdings in the next 72 hours.

NOte: Caveat Emptor
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Sia Investment
If Nasdaq listing approve, will be limit-up x 5
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alien ling
IF. seems not going to happen
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Kok Meng Lee
ya ya ya......dunno when
1 Like · 2 years · translate
Alvin K
nasdaq prospectus are coming in december
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norazman man
nape tak cakap 72 bulan hahaha..
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Kok Meng Lee
72 hours atau bulan sama shj...cakap shj, Tak payah modal
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