Mie Zar's comment on SERBADK. All Comments

Mie Zar
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When an auditor issues a disclaimer of opinion report, it means that they are distancing themselves from providing any opinion at all related to the financial statements. ... They may not have been able to decipher the correct nature of some transactions or to secure enough evidence to support good financial reporting
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Mie Zar
this is much much worse than qualified opinion..
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Alan Tam
To be honest, this disclaimer of opinion is to protect Nexia themselves, they don't have access to SIR, therefore cannot form opinion as SIR was still ongoing, anyhow, game over since 22 october 2021.
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Mie Zar
i thought SD themselves stop the SR by suing EY.
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alex mi
Alan Tam, you are absolutely correct.
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Lewis Liew
sir already stopped...
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Alan Tam
This company made all the wrong moves since first day, sue everyone, if they comply with bursa directive and release SIR update, Nexia would have access to SIR update and could form an opinion rather than now, disclaimer of opinions. They ko-ed themselves.
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Lewis Liew
This is best move from SD. SD won't let everyone included Nexia go through SIR.
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Alan Tam
Best move? Triggered PN17 and auditor can't form an opinion?
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Lewis Liew
pn17 not end of world
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Edward Wlovem
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Alan Tam
Just release SIR update and impair everything that cannot be confirmed, let auditor form an opinion, maybe an qualified opinion, then move on. Now PN17 and disclaimer, like dig their own grave.
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Yeongbin Loo
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Light Shine
Trigger pn17 means almost game over. Unless government comes to help. The question is this company worth helping or not?
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Lewis Liew
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Alan Tam
Light shine, your question is interesting. If full of blue team sure willing to help, but now is half blue and half red. If you know what I mean. Haha
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Mie Zar
tomorrow court hearing some more...
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Alan Tam
Lewis liew, you stucked inside? Don't give so much hope, my guess is this securities will remained suspended until next year.
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Lewis Liew
I didn't buy any serbadk before. I come here to gain experience.
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Keith Liu
How to impair if the asset never exist?
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yutaka tong
bursa won't let it trading since got court case with bursa
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Ian Chong
Yes.. will be suspended until court case and SIR settle, possible to drag for years
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Lewis Liew
How about court case with SC? If top management found guilty? I guess this is more important than court case with bursa right?
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Light Shine
Lewis, if no admit pn17, all your questions won't come in. Now admit pn17, then need major overhaul or restructuring possibly changing the biggest shareholder as well to save it. If they want to continue doing big business/project then have to save it from delist. If reach the level of delist, that means there is no more value in the company.
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Alan Tam
I guess It will suspended until at least next year. Good luck to those who have shares inside. This AR is basically an incomplete AR as Nexia said they don't have enough time to obtain enough evidence for inventories etc, and have no access to SIR update. The image quality of this AR is a joke lol
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Fariza Idris
serba shit .
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Light Shine
Yeah sometimes the auditor has some disclaimers but the AR is considered completed with a big disclaimer because the issues have been announced. Some big companies have classified businesses. So the auditor just put a small disclaimer there as long as the cash come in. I guess it will continue to suspend until the problems are solved. There is no point to open for trading now.
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Lewis Liew
what will happen if top management found guilty on court case with SC??
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Light Shine
Lewis, already wrote the answer up there. Depends government want to save them or not.
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Alan Tam
Light shine if you look at this disclaimer compare to other companies, this AR is like for the sake of release AR instead of giving final results of the financial statement as SIR is far from completed. Nexia is trying not to interrupt any findings from the SIR update from time being, or else they will be in trouble too.
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Light Shine
Yeah, you are right. This is the best they can make. Basically as for shareholders, the Sir is not important. better not assume details here. Just wait for further news.
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alex mi
hi Alan Tam, what is suitable for Serbak Dinamik?
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