teikchye kee's comment on FPI. All Comments

teikchye kee
12 Like · Reply
Let's us watch TP 3.10 in near term.
teikchye kee
come here...hahaha
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Yz Hoo
@Weng Keong Chee
see this guy publicly want the price to drop. haha
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teikchye kee
helooo...u look at the chart, will tell u something...hahaha
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yutaka tong
chart won't able to see when the klci big drop....most traders see chart in the end loss all
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Yz Hoo
@teikchye Kee - yes in fact i did notice the support region there..haha. i'll happily hope the price to drop there.
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liong Edison
just wonder near term is in how many days
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Choong Wc
Waiting for 3.10
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teikchye kee
mali sini...hahaha
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teikchye kee
Come on...hahaha
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yeoh tl
i dont think will go down 3.10...debt free company
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3.4 first enter, slowly accumulate. Low valuation, high dividend yield. Play defensive this year
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Yz Hoo
米先生 well said. enter in tranches this good stock.
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Yz Hoo, is there any other growing dividend yield stocks that you currently looking at?
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Yz Hoo
米先生 hahah sadly good dividend stocks dont always come with high growth...
1) Complying with the two criteria above may be FPI & INARI. (But note that INARI's DPS is higher than EPS for now)
2) The other dividend stocks but not high growth that I like: JAYCORP, UOADEV, MATRIX, MAGNI, SENTRAL...

How about yours?
Show more
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Yz Hoo, I mainly go for growth stocks before this, but recently shifting abit to dividend (defensive). I like tech stocks hahaha
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Yz Hoo
Growth stocks have been winning under "easy money" policy last two years..hahah.
At this time, better buy defensive one 1st and let growth stocks retrace to their reasonable price
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Bryan Teng
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Choong Wc
ESOS again
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DNS everyday esos
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Richard Gan
又来ESOS, 真的是垃圾
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Yz Hoo
WL Gan 不喜歡的話,要考慮抛售給我你的票嗎?RM3.15. 呵呵
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Richard Gan
Yz Hoo 等3.15时你来跟我说,我抛售给你
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除夕快乐 新年快乐各位
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Choong Wc
Uncle said will reach 3.10. when?
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Chek Hee Teo
Uncle happy cha goh meh
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Yz Hoo
Keep waiting isnt wise choice. It is practically timing market.
Entering in smaller amount in tranches is wise.
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teikchye kee
cepat sikit...hahaha
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yutaka tong
uncle tp all cannot hit one...tak boleh pakai
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Choong Wc
Can reach uncle target. If here kena bomb
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teikchye kee
so close...hahaha
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Yz Hoo
Waaa let uncle happy dao. hahaha.
But as an investor, im happy too. Wait it goes to RM3 or even RM2.35, it's time to buy again.
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teikchye kee
hurry up pls...hahaha
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Bryan Teng
1 Like · 2 years · translate
Pick pick pick
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Lee kooi Seong
tp expert Mr tp
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Bryan Teng
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Choong Wc
Should have bank in already unless buying through Rakuten.
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John Malaysian
coming soon ☺️☺️
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Bryan Teng
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teikchye kee
Landed on Apr 27 and May 12...hahaha
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股市过动儿Stock Panicker
u ini tak boleh pakai punya orang
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Top glov Good
let see 0.18 in 2mths
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teikchye kee
sikit lagi lah...hahaha
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John Malaysian
aiyo, uncle you again. hahahaha
but 3.10 is a good price for me also. come down Abit.
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yeoh tl
uncle predict down TP3.10 is helping retailer not to buy high..now abt to reach...get ready yr bullet..
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Yz Hoo
almost there uncle! 10sen difference is nothing already, time to enter
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Bryan Teng
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Yz Hoo
bryan teng
hahah loser lor like that... good stocks we dont afraid to buy
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teikchye kee
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yutaka tong
landed buy la....talk only
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teikchye kee
u buy more lor...hahaha
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Malaysia Boleh Selalu
funny guy @teikchye
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yutaka tong
hit tp also no buy...then tp for what...syok sendiri
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yeoh tl
uncle good hearted to tell u TP 3.10 else you all buy above 3.10 die standing...
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teikchye kee
oh dear...hahaha
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teikchye kee
Adoi...sgt luka...hahaha
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erintan hm
Uncle... You are not alone...
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Bryan Teng
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T.F Lai
如果到rm2.55, 员工股都已经扔票吧!不过这支股有margin account investors (年度报告)。如果跌到那些价钱,就会狂跌。
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yutaka tong
getting more interesting
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