Ahmad Najwan's comment on DNEX. All Comments

Ahmad Najwan
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will it be like serbadk...Limit down..
john teh
Is good news. Why
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Jung Soo Dae
Further to the above, the Board of Directors of DNeX wishes to inform that the business operations of SilTerra will not be affected and there is no financial or operational impact to the DNeX Group arising from the MACC Investigation.
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Runanda Chan
More like will limit up. Now Dnex can hire Foxconn or CGP management as Silterra top management.
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pali cd
Pttlh asik rugi je..mkn tepi rupanya..oklh tu..kasi bersih kaw2 punya..next chapter begin...
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Jesse Livermore
Limit Down like Serba tomorrow, all fund managers, traders will sell as part of their risk management
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pali cd
Kih3..nak sauk rege murah2 la tu..ok jg,bole topup
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LFC ynwa
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Fatihi Patty
Q at 20sen again
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Yang Yang
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pali cd
why not Q at 5c lerr...
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LFC ynwa
风云, 想问一下,之前看了两百面的百皮书,你们不认为有些开销是不是有些大?
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Alias Hassan
3x LD.......
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Runanda Chan
All the LD people are here. King of LD barking Feng Yun hiding in toilet crying
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Hahahah siapa cakap macam Sebaaa? Aku pukul sama muka kau kuat2 huhu
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sarah erry
Pukul-pukul!! Hahaha
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pali cd
Kih3...cket2 da ler..hr jumaat ni
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