MOHD RAZIF BIN AZIZ's comment on UCREST. All Comments

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dont forget everyone..investor briefing by mr eg kah yee tonight at 8.00pm...venue ucrest fb page
MZulhusni Abd. Aziz
sembang kosong je
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DaineSe AIm
Long term invest in UCREST ok... Kalau nk trade cepat g data.. Hahaaa
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Samson Lam
So, tomorrow consider down red again..right?
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MZulhusni Abd. Aziz
Briefing tak cukup strong utk gain confidence investors. Expect good news nak announce/share.
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Tan Chun Syeah
biasa la. Berita yang diberi pun x solid. Tiada difference from the last berifing pun
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Samson Lam
So, tomorrow down red2 again right? How you all opinion?
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MZulhusni Abd. Aziz
Ada difference, chart tech. analysis. hehe
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Samson Lam
@Mzulhusni..hopefully like that you say..don,t let investor disppoint again..
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in conclusion if you are like me has bought when the price was 0.095 then may be it is ok to wait for another 3 or 4 months...but if you have bought at 0.58 recently then may be you have to pray hard hopefully there will be a good news or announcement soon
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Muhammad Ashfa
tomorrow t2 consider topup if still strong at t3
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MZulhusni Abd. Aziz
@Samson, follow yr trading plan. If u ask me, i'll hold my shares now. My portfolio is still green.
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Samson Lam
@mzulhusni..hopefully be green by tomorrow..god blesses
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Tan Swee ho
Hold tight for long investment , our patients will be pay handsomely .
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Tan Swee ho
Finally just like what i have said , our patients will be pay handsomely , YES........YES......YES.........
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MZulhusni Abd. Aziz
Nice, news tht investors waiting for. Strong hold.
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noob skl
Hahaha thanks to boss jinxed it again have fun trap high ikan bilis hahahahaha
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negative thinker will always matter agreement is signed or not...but it is ok..bleh diam2 beli masa harga dah tinggi nanti..tak ada siapa tahu..
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Norazam KZ
waiting u at 0.450, come fast fast ye
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noob skl
Halo, im still waiting hahahaha bodoh betul
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Fortune Family Office
This one not easy... need prepare lotz budget, need past 40sen strong
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Fortune Family Office
@Nicole Wong, letme try... 1 sen first (^.^)
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Nicole Wong
Thank you meow meow..
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Ling Ling
Wah.. Can go Keyasic there try also mar? Hahaha
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Shaun Poh
hello emma, got buy Priva? Nice breakout today
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Mohd Noor Hafisni
meow meow coming here yeahhh
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Fortune Family Office
@nicole, plop... 40sen :P
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Thanks meow pushhhhhh up
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Nicole Wong
Yaya...meow u r so powerful...thanks
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Mohd Noor Hafisni
next what meow can give hint
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Fortune Family Office
Next is let me make my money (^.^)/$$$
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Fortune Family Office
Hm... done one huat... (^.^)/$$$
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Nicole Wong
Perfect moment....
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Mohd Noor Hafisni
yaaa within 10 minutes hahaja
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Fortune Family Office
Yea, I don't "predict"... I just yum, straight up...
Wanna make my 2 jewels today rank 1 and 2 volume :)
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Wan Wan
Fortune Cat Sis Emma ya?? :)
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Fortune Family Office
@wan wan, yep ;) Meow~~~
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Fortune Family Office
Lets huat again.... ;)
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meow meow go pushhhh 0143
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Fortune Family Office
lolz... :) ....
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Stephen Law
i waiting u guys at 0.45
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Lee Sky
Coming soon bro!
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Fortune Family Office
Another day is another scenario (^.^) No guarantee ;) But overall optimistic huat... who know government announce what today
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Abe T
got Emma, sure can 52cents.
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fateha halimin
Menyesal sold at 41, too early
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Fortune Family Office
@fateha, hehe.. today also got people get flush one :) open ans drop, alot panic sell... V power
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noob skl
diam la act like the share price up or down bcoz of u, dont geli pls sb
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Fortune Family Office
lolol... yummy huat
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