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Yong Tai announced on last Friday that it has signed deals with China-based Shenzhen Kangtai Biological Products Co Ltd (SZKT). Through this deal, the group will be SZKT's partner in Malaysia to conduct Phase III clinical trials and exclusive commercialisation of the Covid-19 vaccine.
The group also added that it has entered into an advisory and service agreement with Klinsel Sdn Bhd in order to support the collaboration.
This means Yong Tai appointed Klinsel as the contract research organisation for the proposed clinical study of the Covid-19 vaccine to be conducted in Malaysia.
Klinsel Introduction:
Klinsel is a Malaysian CRO that provides efficient and cost-effective clinical research services to multinational pharmaceutical, biotechnology and medical device companies looking to outsource their late phase clinical development activities to Malaysia. The company was incorporated on 7 May 2009 and is one of the first local CROs in this region established in response to the increasing demands from both clinicians as well as the industry for high quality clinical research – on time and within budget.
Members of NCCR(National Committee of Clinical Research) - Dr. Sarojini Sivanandam(Klinsel Sdn Bhd)Wakil Contract Research Organization (CRO) Tempatan
people run away because KJ announced. but in the end private agency still can make money. see hospital, private and government hospital will never be enough. people who willing to pay will not q and wait.
they wanna get immune and go holiday already
马来西亚上市公司YONGTAIBERHAD近日发布公告称,该公司与深圳制品股份有限公司、KLINSEL SDN BHD达成合作,推进康泰生物新冠灭活疫苗在马来西亚开展III期临床试验。在III期临床试验成功结束或在马来西亚获得紧急使用权后,该公司将拥有独家商业化权利,双方计划合作约1亿剂,为期5年的疫苗采购计划。