Terror Blade's comment on DGB. All Comments

Terror Blade
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panick selling incoming.... hahahaa
Still hold?
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Terror Blade
the proposal is not immediate... Thy will goreng to exit... Relax
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Mad Partner
Yea lol they simply read comments and decided to sell all
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meow 11
0.50 who collect?
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meow 11
all sell but somebody collect back at 0.05
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Terror Blade
u meam 0.05?
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Terror Blade
bro, ppl will collect... cuz the due date for consolidation still far @@
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meow 11
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Terror Blade
i dont have cash.... if not i wan collect also hahahaha
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fikry nor
im still hold.. last week i buy at 0.06
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Terror Blade
relax.... i suppose it can go higher than 0.06 ...
1 Like · 4 years · translate
meow 11
0.05 support. jerung will goreng before exit. i hope soo
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fikry nor
hopefully..cause im newbie in bursa.. hahaha
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Terror Blade
jerung nvr make losses bro
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meow 11
sell before consolidation due date. i think the price will shoot up and then shark exit before due date.
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meow 11
0.055 again. ahahhahaha
1 Like · 4 years · translate
Terror Blade
but when is the due date? hahaha... from wat i heard its still long @@
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Terror Blade
0.05 seller
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meow 11
dont know due date. usually a month after proposal will know the due date. based on other stocks
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fikry nor
due date bro? induk stock.. dgb not warrant..
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Terror Blade
fikry... we talking about the share consolidation due date..
1 Like · 4 years · translate
meow 11
i check report it will consolidate price at 0.07 become 0.70. idk if its just ilustration.
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ishraq ziyyad
due date is first quater 2021..
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meow 11
how do u know? where i can see it?
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fikry nor
owh ok terror blade..
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ishraq ziyyad
meow 11..cuba bace report tu..details kat dlm
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Terror Blade
i heard furst quarter as well
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yup. can open and read the report. theoretical price will adjusted at 0.07 for mothershare, for warrant b, 0.035. far to go.
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meow 11
sell at 0.07 lor
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Terror Blade
relax... Its still long
3 Like · 4 years · translate
Terror Blade
2 more quarter i guess
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fikry nor
ok nice masta²
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Zameer Dudi
so you all still hold this counter?
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Terror Blade
yes.... hahaha
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Shah Airil
Holding Power
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Zameer Dudi
but how if every onward people will keep selling and selling? we need to do something to push it up
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mr Man
Why sell.. U all must hold..
1 Like · 4 years · translate
hanzi sohai
we ikan bilis can't do anything, just wait the panic sell over and see show
1 Like · 4 years · translate