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hmm I think this stock is not outstanding in terms of dividend wise, but what I am keen on is its stability and the prospect towards medical sector, and KPJ has been performing okay and invested in tech as well.
My explain for holding power is that you have gt enough cash to sustain your normal daily life and do not have to sell off your stocks just to cover your expenses :) so holding power to a stock means you are ready to invest in this business and can hold for long term in order to see the true value :) that's my personal definition
I categorize KPJ as risk free counter, only one direction this counter will move ie. up. Question is matter of how long it need to reach your target price.
Given many counters are already goreng like 90s, laggards like KPJ will follow soon. Unlike tourism industry, medical field is not impacted by the extension of RMCO, thus really safe bet.