Mohd Damiri's comment on CAPITALA. All Comments

Mohd Damiri
3 Like · Reply
Q1 was Jan to March...MCO start March...Imagine Q2... I am waiting at 0.3
Caleb Woon
Reach 0.3 I'll support
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KM Chan
0.3 already ?
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Jason Yong
0.5 can lah..
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wait all you want, forever waiting and wait and wait.
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Hunter x hunter
0.3 u wait long long
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Ben Ong
in your dream
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0.3 already happened few months ago, did u buy in?
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Lowest 0.5 lah, where got 0.3? Got meh got meh?
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Kee Tzen
Q1 had drop in revenue but no cost cutting I think? Cost cutting only started in Q2
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info speedme
ask your grandpa sell 0.3 to you
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Mohd Damiri
very professional comments
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Share God
I am waiting 0.35 and totally take over tis company with 1 promise borrow me money ald...then I can drive aeroplane go makan sushi at Tokyo
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ang ang
not things is impossible it maybe will go to 0.3
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Jiwen Gan
after u buy the company .. found urself lost 3 billion in 1 year .. then no appetite to eat sushi d .. hahaha
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ang ang
who wan private it? liability so high
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ang ang
liability high might make u bankruptcy then you can go home eat sushi
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ang ang
maybe sushi also cannot get and just eat grass
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ang ang
bank also no wan borrow airasia money because liability too high
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Share God
Buy nw and take all the cash spend to makan angin....then chap lap,got 1.6 mah, don worry
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ang ang
genm ask bank borrow 10billion and bank quickly approve. airasia ask bank borrow 10billion and bank call you come in next next year then see consider borrow or not
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ang ang
u all ordinary shareholder if bankruptcy u guys maybe not things will get. toilet paper also not have.haha
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Share God
Genting why ask bank borrow?genting got money woh....who got money wan borrow from bank?con lan firm is those company got problem only borrow la,pay interest pay song meh....hhahaa
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ang ang
u go see genm report.just talk,that report got 10billion borrowing from bank.haha.didnot see don talk more
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Han David
aviation really tak boleh cari makan.
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Skinny Sexy 200
Haha, the comment "those company got problem only borrow la" such a childish comment. Make my day.
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Share God
Oic....then I lari lo...earn jor lari scary
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ang ang
i collect in 0.745 run at 1.03 lastmonth because when i saw the india financial report, i scare.haha
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ang ang
good luck u guys
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ang ang
lucky i run after i run share price keep drop.haha
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Many researches gave very low target price , some gave only 0.54 cents
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I think maybe slowly will drop to that price
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ang ang
no hope alrdy this stock.need many too recovery 4 to 5year and this 5year don hope dividend. we just can collect lower and wait ppl goreng then sell to earn nasi lemak
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ang ang
why i say when covid no coming airasia also do lost business and covid coming then straight go holland. i cannot see this counter in future grow
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ang ang
but i believe this stock will not bankrupt unless tony is not an owner airasia. but i can say this counter has not any more meat give u guys eat.because when airasia are earn money they should pay a lot of interest and how much will get for ordinary shareholder. i think not.haha
Show more
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KM Chan
from 0.50 people shouting to buy at 0.2. now 0.90 with bad result released and people still shouting 0.2. those dare to buy at 0.5 already sitting at huge profit while others said there is no meat. hahaha
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Am bank gave target price only 0.41 cents
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Many researchers shouting
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ang ang
ya when u view the airasia report you will dissapointed
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ang ang
too large of leasing
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ang ang
we dnt talk about fuel that leasing sibeh high
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ang ang
earn profit then all pay leasing.
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Leasing is just an accounting treatment to recognize both leased assets and leasing liabilities, it does not change the actual lease payment to aircraft owner. So it does not affect the actual cash outflow.
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JJason Lim
possible fall into PN17?
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yutaka tong
only left 1.6b cash onhand. still can survive 2 more quarter
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How do you think about next quarter?No eye to see.
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yutaka tong
next qr confirm loss over 1billion. anytime calling for help
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ang ang
haha i say alrdy u all go through see the report liability is high with leasing and borrowing
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ang ang
u rent aeroplane not need pay?
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