Ken Tham's comment on CAREPLS. All Comments

Ken Tham
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Ding Kwong Ung
哈哈 真的是厉害这次
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lim lim
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Min Wen Mo
明天不祈求再limit up, 涨个20%就够
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Candy Lim
Yeah tomorrow 20%enuf
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Alex Yeo
28% la. Why 20% enough? Hope for the best ma
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Min Wen Mo
Be grateful
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Lloyd Joseph
29.5% please
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Nick C.
limit up (29.41%)

limit up (29.87%)

Not necessarily must reach 30%. When it near to 29%, considered limit up. The next trading day will have price freezing if limit up in two consecutive trading days. You would not want to see that.
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KS Teh
现在每个人都认为它又会上,那不就和前两天一样吗?开场就跌一个15%到收市limit down
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lim lim
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NL Koh
chau lim..OMG.. 看来你和K+不是很有缘分。。加油。。 我在1.05放了,就飘去1.90++。。以为没希望了,还好经过暴跌一轮,给我在1.10抓回,今早在1.40放了一半(MBB IB系统当机,cancel不到,气到爆。。)
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lim lim
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lim lim
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Alex Yeo
@Nick C, the reason why it cannot reach 30% because the next price increase will make it become +30.x% already, which is slightly more than 30%. Not allowed to exceed 30%.. even slightly more than 30% also cannot.
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Nick C.
I knew thanks.
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