Forbid of Direct Business Transaction (DBT) Due to Rule 10.10(3)

Please be informed that the following stocks will be forbidden from DBT until 3.30 p.m. , as per Bursa Trading Rule 10.10(3) due to material announcement:

No.  Stock Code  Stock Name

1  7113  TOPGLOV

2  71134L  TOPGLOV-C4L

3  71134M  TOPGLOV-C4M

4  71134O  TOPGLOV-C4O

5  71134Q  TOPGLOV-C4Q

6  71134R  TOPGLOV-C4R

7  71134S  TOPGLOV-C4S

8  71134T  TOPGLOV-C4T

9  71134U  TOPGLOV-C4U

10  71134V  TOPGLOV-C4V

11  71134W  TOPGLOV-C4W

12  71134X  TOPGLOV-C4X

13  71134Y  TOPGLOV-C4Y

14  71134Z  TOPGLOV-C4Z

15  7113WA  TOPGLOV-WA


The stocks will only be authorized for DBT at 3.30 p.m.
Dealers and remisiers are reminded that the reference price for DBT upon authorization shall be:
1. VWAP from 2.30 p.m. to 3.30 p.m.(traded stocks)
2. Reference price (un-traded stocks)

There is no impact to the normal market trading. Please be guided accordingly.

Announcement Info

Date Announced 20 Mar 2025
Category Special Announcement
Reference Number ISA-20032025-00002