GENERAL MEETINGS: Outcome of Meeting
Type of Meeting | General |
Indicator | Outcome of Meeting |
Date of Meeting | 20 Mar 2025 |
Time | 10:00 AM |
Venue(s) |
Emerald Ballroom, 1st Floor RHR Hotel @ Kajang, Jalan Semenyih 43000 Kajang, Selangor Darul Ehsan Malaysia |
Outcome of Meeting | The Board of Directors of MKH Berhad ("MKH" or "the Company") is pleased to announce that at the Forty-Fifth Annual General Meeting ("45th AGM") of MKH held today on 20 March 2025, all the resolutions as set out in the Notice of 45th AGM were duly passed by the shareholders of MKH.
The voting in respect of the resolutions was carried out by way of a poll and the results were validated by Scrutineer Solutions Sdn. Bhd., the independent scrutineer appointed by the Company. The percentage of voted shares is rounded up to four decimal point. Details of the polling results are appended below:- |
Voting Results |
1. Ordinary Resolution 1 |
Description |
To approve the payment of Directors' fees amounting to RM240,000 for the financial year ended 30 September 2024 to the Non-Executive Directors. |
Shareholder’s Action | For Voting | |
Voted | For | Against |
No. of Shareholders | 124 | 5 |
No. of Shares | 291,723,303 | 8,250 |
% of Voted Shares | 99.9972 | 0.0028 |
Result | Accepted | |
2. Ordinary Resolution 2 |
Description |
To approve the payment of Directors' benefits (excluding Directors' fees) to the Non-Executive Directors from 20 March 2025 until the next Annual General Meeting of the Company. |
Shareholder’s Action | For Voting | |
Voted | For | Against |
No. of Shareholders | 124 | 5 |
No. of Shares | 291,723,303 | 8,250 |
% of Voted Shares | 99.9972 | 0.0028 |
Result | Accepted | |
3. Ordinary Resolution 3 |
Description |
To re-elect Tan Sri Dato' Chen Kooi Chiew @ Cheng Ngi Chong who is retiring by rotation pursuant to Clause 112(1) of the Company's Constitution and being eligible, has offered himself for re-election. |
Shareholder’s Action | For Voting | |
Voted | For | Against |
No. of Shareholders | 121 | 8 |
No. of Shares | 291,368,547 | 363,006 |
% of Voted Shares | 99.8756 | 0.1244 |
Result | Accepted | |
4. Ordinary Resolution 4 |
Description |
To re-elect Tan Sri Datuk Chen Lok Loi who is retiring by rotation pursuant to Clause 112(1) of the Company's Constitution and being eligible, has offered himself for re-election. |
Shareholder’s Action | For Voting | |
Voted | For | Against |
No. of Shareholders | 121 | 8 |
No. of Shares | 291,368,547 | 363,006 |
% of Voted Shares | 99.8756 | 0.1244 |
Result | Accepted | |
5. Ordinary Resolution 5 |
Description |
To re-appoint Deloitte PLT as the Company's Auditors for the financial year ending 30 September 2025 and to authorise the Directors to fix their remuneration. |
Shareholder’s Action | For Voting | |
Voted | For | Against |
No. of Shareholders | 125 | 4 |
No. of Shares | 291,728,303 | 3,250 |
% of Voted Shares | 99.9989 | 0.0011 |
Result | Accepted | |
6. Ordinary Resolution 6 |
Description |
Authority for Directors to Issue Shares pursuant to Sections 75 and 76 of the Companies Act 2016. |
Shareholder’s Action | For Voting | |
Voted | For | Against |
No. of Shareholders | 125 | 4 |
No. of Shares | 291,728,303 | 3,250 |
% of Voted Shares | 99.9989 | 0.0011 |
Result | Accepted | |
7. Ordinary Resolution 7 |
Description |
Proposed Renewal of Authority for the Company to Purchase Its Own Shares. |
Shareholder’s Action | For Voting | |
Voted | For | Against |
No. of Shareholders | 125 | 4 |
No. of Shares | 291,728,303 | 3,250 |
% of Voted Shares | 99.9989 | 0.0011 |
Result | Accepted | |
Please refer attachment below.
Announcement Info
Company Name | MKH BERHAD |
Stock Name | MKH |
Date Announced | 20 Mar 2025 |
Category | General Meeting |
Reference Number | GMA-17032025-00004 |
Corporate Action ID | MY250317MEET0004 |