Alex Wong Chinyung's comment on 1201. All Comments

Alex Wong Chinyung
2 Like · Reply
today submission deadline for restructuring plan, still no news from Sumatec. Any idea how will it goes?
Ndru82 Wong
just say bye bye to sumatec
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Why are there still over 300m units queued at 0.005 to buy? Good to own a delisted company ?
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Ndru82 Wong
that is gamble...they hope a miracle to happen
1 Like · 4 years · translate
Alex Wong Chinyung
I prepared to lose all on Sumatec already, haha. been holding it since 10sen, no point sell now also.
1 Like · 4 years · translate
Yup... been holding for a while... hoping for something to happen...
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Saidi Saad
all waits. Hope for something.
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aBu YaZiD
Delisted soon
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lisiang chua
hope a miracle..
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Ndru82 Wong
sayonara... goodbye...
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